I was recommended to you for postpartum doula services, but I’m not seeing them on your website. Is that still an option?

I am still offering postpartum doula support on a limited basis. Definitely reach out and even if I’m not available, I can connect you with some of the most lovely doulas in the biz.

I have to ask: is it heart swell or hearts well?

It’s both! Together, we’ll embrace the ‘swell’ and encourage the ‘well’.

What’s your philosophy or approach?

The postpartum period can be a real roller coaster. It’s a massive life change, and it can be a lot to process - especially on your own. My goal is to validate and honor this transition, and create space for families as they evolve. Rather than worrying that they’re doing it wrong, I want families to leave a session with me feeling empowered and trusting that they’re doing it just right. I do this by listening; both to what people are saying, as well as what they aren’t.

What should I expect from an in-person visit?

Before any visits, we’ll have a phone / video call to chat about you, your family, and how I can best provide support. Upon arrival, we’ll set our course for the visit. If you have a list of specific things you’d like to discuss or learn about, we’ll start with those; and if not, we’ll start with the basics (feeding, bathing, sleep, etc) and build from there. It’s incredible how much peace-of-mind can come from spending a few hours with an expert who is able to tell you “yes, that’s a normal “baby thing” — nothing to worry about. My goal is to leave you equipped with the confidence, knowledge, and resources that you need to experience more joy and ease during your transition into parenthood.