
The process always starts with a phone/video consultation so we can chat about you, your family, and your collective needs. Plans are modular and fully customizable, so we will work together to ensure you’re getting exactly the kind of support and guidance you’re after.

Support can look like:

  • Providing emotional support and coping techniques

  • Birth story processing

  • Helping you navigate your new identity

  • Preparation of a transition plan to ease your return to work

  • Providing resources to assist with physical recovery

  • Connecting you with a community of like-minded parents

  • Sharing sibling adjustment strategies

  • Navigating evolving partner and family dynamics

  • Breast/body/bottle feeding guidance

  • Strategies for surviving sleep deprivation

  • Babywearing education



Postpartum Consultation

One 90 minute call
Personalized plan

Feeling overwhelmed? Bogged down by questions? Or maybe you need help coming up with some systems that create more space for you to be able to rest, recover, and bond? A consultation is the perfect way to get all of those burning questions answered in one, fell swoop. We’ll talk through your pain points and come up with a personalized plan, specific to the needs of you and your family.


newborn education

In-Home Education

One three-hour in-home visit
Customized resource list

No matter how many classes you took and books you read, nothing can really prepare you for the realities of having a baby. This session is a hands-on opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of bringing a newborn home (with your actual newborn, in your actual home).

We’ll have a pre-visit call to align on your priorities, allowing us to maximize our time together during the actual visit. Baths, bottles, burping, oh my! The sky is really the limit here. We’ll review all of your questions, offer demonstrations, and chat about the “typical” baby things that often keep people up at night (i.e.. who knew they grunted so loudly at night?!)


Fourth Trimester Coaching

One 90-minute call
Six one-hour check-in calls
Personalized plan
Ongoing text/email support
Customized resource list

Many people have family and friends around for tactical support, but they lack a true mentor. Someone who can guide them through the transformational process of becoming a parent. Postpartum coaching is a beautiful way to receive ongoing support and validation throughout the fourth trimester.

We’ll start with a 90-minute consultation to discuss all of your hopes, dreams, and struggles for parenthood (this can be done before or after baby arrives.) We’ll then come up with some sustainable strategies to help you ride the waves with grace. (Kelly Slater, who?!)

You’ll have access to all of my resources, as well as 60-minute check-ins every other week throughout the first 12 weeks of parenthood. We’ll use those calls to troubleshoot any current pain points, and ensure that the whole family is feeling supported and empowered. Texts and emails are always on the house during our time together.


Have questions?